Journal Publications:
2023 | Lazin, R., Shen, X., Moges, S. and Anagnostou, E., 2023. The role of Renaissance dam in reducing hydrological extremes in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: Current and future climate scenarios. Journal of Hydrology, 616, p.128753. | Published |
2023 | Lala, J., Regassa, M. D., Zhang, Y., You, L., & Block, P. (2023). Incorporating Seasonality into an Agroeconomic Model of Ethiopia. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(2), 05022018. | Published |
2023 | Yang, M.; Wang, G.: Wu, S.; Block, P.; Lazin, R.; Alexander S.; Lala, J.; et al. “Seasonal prediction of crop yields in Ethiopia using an analog approach.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 331 (2023): 109347. | Published |
2022 | Lala, J., Lee, D., Bazo, J. and Block, P., 2022. Evaluating prospects for subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast-based anticipatory action from a global perspective. Weather and Climate Extremes, 38, p.100510. | Published |
2022 | Atsbeha, E.; Holzer E.; Anagnostou, E.; Block, P.; Alexander S.; Negatu, S.; Kirksey, K. “Probability Games, Workshops, and the Social World of International Science Communication.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103, no. 8 (2022): E1747-E1761. | Published |
2022 | Rigler, G.; Dokou, Z.; Khadim, F.K.; Sinshaw, B.G.; Eshete, D.G.; Aseres, M.; Amera, W.; Zhou, W.; Wang, X.; Moges, M.; Azage, M.; Li, B.; Holzer, E.; Tilahun, S.; Bagtzoglou, A.; Anagnostou, E. Citizen Science and the Sustainable Development Goals: Building Social and Technical Capacity through Data Collection in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3647. | Published |
2022 | Musayev, S.; Mellor, J.; Walsh, T.; Anagnostou, E. Application of Agent-Based Modeling in Agricultural Productivity in Rural Area of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Forecasting 2022. | Published |
2022 | Haider, M.R., Peña, M. and Anagnostou, E., 2022. Bias Correction of Mixed Distributions of Temperature with Strong Diurnal Signal. Weather and Forecasting. | Published |
2022 | Negatu, S., Holzer, E. Kirksey, K. and Atsbeha, E. Technology transfer and everyday life among smallholder farmers: Notes on the small inconveniences that slow the transition to industrial agriculture in Ethiopia. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 21, no. 1 (2022): 7-26. | Published |
2021 | Musayev, S.; Mellor, J.; Walsh, T.; Anagnostou, E. Development of an Agent-Based Model for Weather Forecast Information Exchange in Rural Area of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4936. | Published |
2021 | Lala, J., Bazo, J., Anand, V., & Block, P. (2021). Optimizing forecast-based actions for extreme rainfall events. Climate Risk Management, 34, 100374. | Published |
2021 | Gao, S., Li, Z., Chen, M., Lin, P., Hong, Z., Allen, D., … & Hong, Y. (2021). Spatiotemporal variability of global river extent and the natural driving factors revealed by decades of Landsat observations, GRACE gravimetry observations, and land surface model simulations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 267, 112725. | Published |
2021 | Alexander, S., Yang, G., Addisu, G., & Block, P. (2021). Forecast-informed reservoir operations to guide hydropower and agriculture allocations in the Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 37(2), 208-233. | Published |
2021 | Xie, Hua; You, Liangzhi; Dile, Yihun T.; Worqlul, Abeyou W.; Bizimana, Jean Claude; et al. 2021. Mapping development potential of dry-season small-scale irrigation in Sub-Saharan African countries under joint biophysical and economic constraints: An agent-based modeling approach with an application to Ethiopia. Agricultural Systems 186 (January 2021): 102987. | Published |
2021 | Li, Z., Tang, G., Hong, Z., Chen, M., Gao, S., Kirstetter, P., … & Hong, Y. (2021). Two-decades of GPM IMERG early and final run products intercomparison: Similarity and difference in climatology, rates, and extremes. Journal of Hydrology, 594, 125975 | Published |
2021 | Yami, T. L., Gao, S., Chen, M., Li, Z., Vergara, H., Clark, R. R., … & Hong, Y. (2021). CREST/EF5 capacity building to enhance resilience to hydrodynamic disasters in emerging regions. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 15(6), 230-242. | Published |
2021 | Lala, J., Yang, M., Wang, G., & Block, P. (2021). Utilizing rainy season onset predictions to enhance maize yields in Ethiopia. Environmental Research Letters, 16(5), 054035. | Published |
2021 | Yang, M., Wang, G., Lazin, R., Shen, X. and Anagnostou, E., 2021. Impact of planting time soil moisture on cereal crop yield in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: A novel insight towards agricultural water management. Agricultural Water Management, 243, p.106430. [] | Published |
2021 | Lazin, R., Shen, X. and Anagnostou, E., 2021. Estimation of flood-damaged cropland area using a convolutional neural network. Environmental Research Letters, 16(5), p.054011 [] | Published |
2021 | Khadim, F.K. Dokou, Z., Bagtzoglou, A.C., Yang, M., Lijalem, G.A. and Anagnostou, E., 2021. A numerical framework to advance agricultural water management under hydrological stress conditions in a data scarce environment. Agricultural Water Management. [] | Published |
2021 | Emmanouil, S., Philhower, J., Macdonald, S., Khadim, F.K., Yang, M., Atsbeha, E., Nagireddy, H., Roach, N., Holzer, E. and Anagnostou, E.N., 2021. A Comprehensive Approach to the Design of a Renewable Energy Microgrid for Rural Ethiopia: The Technical and Social Perspectives. MDPI Sustainability. [] |
Published |
2021 | Lala, J., Yang, M., Wang, G., and Block, P. (2021). Utilizing rainy season onset predictions to enhance maize yields in Ethiopia. Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abf9c9 | Published |
2020 | Khadim, F.K., Dokou, Z., Lazin, R., Moges, S., Bagtzoglou, A.C. and Anagnostou, E., 2020. Groundwater modeling in data scarce aquifers: the case of Gilgel-Abay, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia. Journal of Hydrology, 590, p.125214. | Published |
2020 |
Alexander, S., Atsbeha, E., Negatu, S., Kirksey, K., Brossard, D., Holzer, E., and Block, P. “Development of an interdisciplinary, multi-method approach to seasonal climate forecast communication at the local scale.” Climatic Change. |
Published |
2020 |
Lala, J., Tilahun, S., and Block, P. Predicting rainy season onset in the Ethiopian Highlands for agricultural planning. Journal of Hydrometeorology. |
Published |
2020 |
Lazin, R., Shen, X., and Anagnostou, E.N. “Evaluation of the Hyper-Resolution Model-Derived Water Cycle Components over the Upper Blue Nile Basin”, Journal of Hydrology, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125231 |
Published |
2020 | Yang, M., Wang, G., Lazin, R., Shen, X., and Anagnostou, E.N. “Impact of planting time soil moisture on cereal crop yield in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: a novel insight towards agricultural water management”, Agricultural Water Management, vol. 243(1),106430 DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106430. | Published |
2019 |
Block, P., Wu, S., Zaitchik, B., Shukla, S., Blum, A., Alexander, S., & Zhang, Y. (2019, January). Uncovering a regime shift in Ethiopian highland summertime precipitation with implications for seasonal prediction. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21). |
Published |
2019 |
Blum, A., B. Zaitchik, S. Alexander, S. Wu, Y. Zhang, S. Shukla, T. Yimanie Alemneh, and P. Block, 2019: A Grand Prediction: Communicating and evaluating 2018 summertime Upper Blue Nile rainfall and streamflow forecasts in preparation for Ethiopia’s new dam, Frontiers in Water, |
Published |
2019 |
Koukoula M., Nikolopoulos E.I, Dokou Z. and Anagnostou E.N. Evaluation of global water resources reanalysis products in the Upper Blue Nile River basin, Journal of Hydrometeorology |
Published |
2019 |
Zhang, Y., You, L., Lee, D., & Block, P. (2019). Integrating climate prediction and regionalization into an agro-economic model to guide agricultural planning. Climatic Change, 1-17 |
Published |
2019 | Alexander, S., Yang, G., Addisu, G., and Block, P. “Forecast-informed reservoir operations to guide hydropower and agriculture allocations in the Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia.” International Journal of Water Resources Development, 27. | Published |
2018 |
Hasan, E., Tarhule, A., Kirstetter, P. E., Clark, R., & Hong, Y. (2018). Runoff sensitivity to climate change in the Nile River Basin. Journal of Hydrology, 561, 312-321. |
Published |
2018 |
Zhang Y., Moges S., and Block P. Does objective Cluster Analysis Serve as a Useful Precursor to Seasonal Precipitation Prediction at Local Scale? Application to Western Ethiopia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 143-157 |
Published |
2018 |
Alexander, S., Wu, S., and Block P. Model selection based on sectoral application scale for increased value of hydroclimate prediction information. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. |
Published |
2021 | Alexander, S. and Block, P. “Integration of seasonal climate forecast information into local-level decision-making using an agent-based model to support community adaptation in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia.” | In Review |
2019 | Yang, M., G. Wang, K. F. Ahmed, B. Adugna, M. Eggen, E. Atsbeha , L. You, J. Koo, E. Anagnostou. 2019. Modelling the cereal crop yields in Ethiopia and its sensitivity to climate forcing, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology | In Review |
2021 | Meijian Yang, et al., 2021: The long-term climate change impact on crop yield in Ethiopia. | In Preparation |
2021 | Haider, M.R., Pena, M., and Anagnostou, E. Bias Correction of Mixed Distributions of Temperature with Strong Diurnal Signal. | In Preparation |
2021 | Rehenuma Lazin, Xinyi Shen, Semu Moges, and Emmanouil Anagnostou. Future Climate Impacts on the Basin Hydrology, Droughts, and Hydropower Generation in the Upper Blue Nile Basin. | In Preparation |
2021 | Fahad Khan Khadim. Comparing the physically based groundwater model findings with public perception on fair water sharing and water management in the irrigated communities of Ethiopia. | In Preparation |
2021 | Fahad Khan Khadim. Impacts of climate change on hydrological dynamics of Lake Tana and the groundwater availability in the Tana basin. | In Preparation |
2021 | Lala, J., You, L., and Block, P. Incorporating seasonality into an agro-economic model of Ethiopia | In Preparation |
2021 | Alexander, S. and Block, P. “Integration of seasonal climate forecast information into local-level decision-making using an agent-based model to support community adaptation in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia”. | In Preparation |
2021 | Lala, J., Yang, M., Wang, G., and Block, P. The role of rainy season onset uncertainty on maize yields in Ethiopia. | In Preparation |
2020 | Khadim, F., Dokou, Z., Yang, M., Wang, G., Bagtzoglou, A., and Anagnostou, E. Modeling the groundwater-vadose zone interactions for water-food security assessment in different irrigation and water management scenarios in Ethiopia | In Preparation |
Conference Presentations:
2021 | Lazin, R., Shen, X., Moges, S. and Anagnostou, E.N., 2021, December. Impact of Climate Change on the Future Flood Risk in the Upper Blue Nile Basin. | American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. |
2021 | Haider, M.R., Peña, M. and Anagnostou, E.N., 2021, December. Evaluating S2S Rainfall Forecast for Agricultural Action-plan in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin. | American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. |
2021 | Khadim, F.K., Dokou, Z., Lazin, R., Bagtzoglou, A.C. and Anagnostou, E.N., 2021, December. Groundwater modeling to assess climate change impacts in the data scarce aquifer of the Tana Basin, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia. | American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. |
2021 | Haider, M.R., Pena, M., Atsbeha, E.A., and Anagnostou, E. Value Added Seasonal Forecasts for Food Security Applications in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin. | NOAA’s 45th Climate Diagnostics & Prediction Workshop Special Issue, S&T Digest, May 2021. |
2020 | Rigler, G., Dokou, Z., Khadim, F. , Zhou,W. , Yami, T. , Moges, M. , Tilahun, S., Azage, M., Wang, X. , Li,B. , Bagtzoglou, A., Hong, Y. , Holzer, E. , Anagnostou, E. Citizen Science in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: Capturing the Hydrological Cycle and Catalyzing Community Participation. | Poster Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual. |
2020 | Alexander, S., and Block, P. Integration of climate forecast information into local-level decision-making using an agent-based model to support community adaptation in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | Oral Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual. |
2020 | Alexander, S. and Block, P. Integration of seasonal climate forecast information into local-level decision-making using an agent-based model to support community adaptation in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | Oral Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual. |
2020 | Alexander, S., Brossard, D., Atsbeha, E., Negatu, S., Kirksey, K., Holzer, E. and Block, P. A Multi-method Approach to Seasonal Climate Forecast Communication. | Poster Presentation, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Annual Conference 2020, Henderson, N.V. [cancelled due to COVID pandemic] |
2019 | Haider, M.R., Pena, M., Lazin, R., Khadim, F.K., Yang, M., Dokou, Z., Nikolopoulos, E., Wang, G., and Anagnostou, E. Enabling Water and Agriculture Management in the Upper Blue Nile Basin through Numerical Seasonal Forecasts and High-Resolution Sectoral Models. | NOAA’s 44th Climate Diagnostics & Prediction Workshop Special Issue, 22-24 October 2019 |
2019 | Alexander, S., Brossard, D., Atsbeha, E., Negatu, S., Kirksey, K., Holzer, E. and Block, P. 2019. A Multi-method Approach to Seasonal Climate Forecast Communication. | Oral Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, C.A. |
2019 | Alexander, S., Brossard, D., Atsbeha, E., Negatu, S., Kirksey, K., Holzer, E. and Block, P. 2019. A Multi-method Approach to Seasonal Climate Forecast Communication. | Oral Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, C.A. |
2018 | Alexander, S., Yang, G., and Block, P. Coupling Local-scale Hydroclimate Forecasts with a Multi-purpose Reservoir Model for Enhanced Management in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | Poster Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., December 2018. |
2018 | Alexander, S., Block, P. Coupling Local-scale Hydroclimate Forecasts with Reservoir Operations. | Oral Presentation, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Annual Conference 2018, Minneapolis, MN, June 2018. |
2018 | Lazin R., Shen X., Koukoula M., Dokou Z., Nikolopoulos E., and Anagnostou E.N. Evaluation of Hyper-Resolution Model Derived Water Budget Components Over the Upper Blue Nile | American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 | Yang M., Wang G., Wu S., Eggen M., Lazin M., Haider M., Anagnostou E.N. Seasonal Prediction of Major Cereal Crop Yields in Ethiopia Using a Coupled Modeling Framework | American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 | Khadim F.K., Lazin R., Dokou Z., Bagtzoglou A., and Anagnostou E. Development of a Calibrated Groundwater Model in an In-situ Data Scarce Region of the Upper Blue Nile | American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 |
Haider M.R., Peña M., Nikolopoulos E.I, Dokou Z. and Anagnostou E.N. Bias Correction of Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts for Blue Nile Water Resources Management |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 |
Koukoula M., Nikolopoulos E.I., Dokou Z., and Anagnostou E.N. Upper Blue Nile Water Budget Dynamics Derived from Multi-model Water Resource Reanalysis Products |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 | Dokou Z., Khadim F.K., Zhou W., Flamig Z., Moges M., Tilahun S., Azage M., Moges S., Li B., Mellor J., Wang G., Bagtzoglou A., Hong Y., Anagnostou E. Citizen Science at the Source of the Blue Nile: Promoting Public Participation in Science for Ensuring Food and Water Security in Ethiopia | American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 |
Shu Wu, Paul Block, Benjamin Zaitchik, Shraddhanand Shukla, Annalise Blum, Sarah Alexander, and Ying Zhang. Uncovering a regime shift in Ethiopian highland summertime precipitation with implications for seasonal prediction |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 |
Alexander, S. and Block, P. Coupling local-scale hydroclimate forecasts with multi-purpose reservoir models for enhanced water management in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2018. |
2018 | Dokou Z., Reljin N., Kheirabadi M., Bagtzoglou A., and Anagnostou E. Lake Level Estimation using Machine Learning and Physically-based Approaches in Lake Tana, Ethiopia | 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications, NEUREL November 2018. |
2018 |
Zhang, Y., D. Lee, and P. Block: Integrating predictive information into an agro-economic model to guide agricultural planning. |
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (ASCE), Minneapolis, MN, June 2018 |
2018 | Alexander, S. and Block P. Coupling local-scale hydroclimate forecasts with reservoir operations in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (ASCE), Minneapolis, MN, May 2018. |
2018 | Koukoula M., Nikolopoulos E.I., Dokou Z., and Anagnostou E.N. Uncertainty in the Estimation of Water Budget from Reanalysis Products: Evaluation in Upper Blue Nile river basin. | European Geophysical Union (EGU) Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2018. |
2017 | Alexander, S., Wu, S., and Block, P. Development and Evaluation of Season-Ahead Precipitation Predictions for Sectoral Management in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | Poster Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, L.A., December 2017. |
2017 | Alexander, S., Block, P., Erkyihun, S. Evaluation of Season-Ahead Precipitation Predictions at Various Scales: Koga Watershed, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | Poster Presentation, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Annual Conference 2017, Sacramento, California, May 2017. |
2017 | Yang M., Wang G., Ahmed K.F., Eggen M., Adugna B., and Anagnostou E.N. Simulating and Predicting Cereal Crop Yields in Ethiopia: Model Calibration and Verification. | American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017. |
2017 | Alexander, S., Block P., and Erkyihun, S. Evaluation of season-ahead Precipitation Predictions at Various Scales: Koga Watershed, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (ASCE), Sacramento, CA, May 2017. |
2017 | Hasan E., Dokou Z., Kirstetter P-E., Tarhule A., Anagnostou E.N., Bagtzoglou A.C., and Hong Y. Assessing Lake Level Variability and Water Availability in Lake Tana, Ethiopia using a Groundwater Flow Model and GRACE Satellite Data. | American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017. |
2017 | Dokou Z., Kheirabadi M., Nikolopoulos E.I., Moges S., Bagtzoglou A.C., and Anagnostou E.N. Using Multi-year Reanalysis-derived Recharge Rates to Drive a Groundwater Model for the Lake Tana Region of Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. | American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017. |
2017 |
Yang M., Wang G., Ahmed K.F., Eggen M., Adugna B., and Anagnostou E.N. Simulating and Predicting Cereal Crop Yields in Ethiopia: Model Calibration and Verification. |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017. |
2017 | Koukoula M., Nikolopoulos E.I., Dokou Z., Moges S., Bagtzoglou A.C., and Anagnostou E.N. Evaluation of Water Cycle Components in the Upper Blue Nile Basin based on an Ensemble of Water Resources Reanalysis Products. | 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5), Rome, Italy, November, 2017 |
2017 | Zhang, Y. and Block P. Predicting Seasonal Precipitation and Integrating Predictive Information into an Agro-economic Model to Guide Agricultural Management. | World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (ASCE), Sacramento, CA, May 2017. |
2017 | Block, P. and Zhang Y. Integrating Predictive Information into an Agro-economic Model to Guide Agricultural Planning. | European Geophysical Union (EGU) Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2017. |
2016 |
Zhang, Y. and Block P. Predicting Seasonal Precipitation and Integrating Predictive Information into an Agro-economic Model to Guide Agricultural Management. |
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (ASCE), West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016. |