PIRE graduate students hold second workshop

On March 8, the PIRE graduate student held their second interdisciplinary workshop at UConn. The meeting was attended by six engineering students and three social science students. Meijian Yang from the University of Connecticut presented initial results from his work on crop yield modeling. He discussed potential impacts of solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, and fertilizer on crop yields. Sarah Alexander from the University of Wisconsin joined the meeting remotely, and presented her work on precipitation predictions on the local scale. Due the large amount of variability in precipitation within the Blue Nile Basin, Sarah is exploring methods for predicting and disseminating precipitation information that will be useful for local communities. Following each presentation the students had lively and productive discussions.


The students will continue meeting once per semester for a workshop. These workshops are excellent opportunities to stay connected with our colleagues in other disciplines and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

Categories: News

Published: March 9, 2018