Thierry Pellarin
Title/Department: CNRS / LTHE
Phone number: +33 476514346
Research focus: Remote sensing for water cycle studies, agricultural applications, and catchment hydrology. My main field of interests are in microwave radiometry, with particular emphasis on remote sensing applied to soil surface characteristics for hydrological applications and potential applications in agriculture and drought detection.
What excites you most about your PIRE research?
Providing robust soil moisture mapping of the root-zone for potential use by end-users in an operational application in a real-time context.
What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?
Our feeling is that soil moisture detection from space has long been considered as uncertain but the new passive microwave satellites SMOS (2009) and SMAP (2015) show significant improvements of soil moisture retrievals over many regions. The potential uses of these measurements are huge for hydrological and agricultural applications.