Shu Wu
Name: Shu Wu
Title/Department: Assistant Researcher, Center for Climatic Research, UW-Madison
Phone number: 6082098688
Research focus:
Climate Forecast; Climate modeling and data assimilation; Large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction; Operational climate forecast system design and evaluation.
What excites you most about your PIRE research? (1 paragraph):
I have been working on designing and evaluating climate forecast systems for years. Previously my foci are on large scale dynamics. PIRE provide me with chance to examine the predictability and prediction on regional scale, which is of more practical use since my forecast results can be coupled with river and food models. This interdisciplinary project builds stronger relationship between my research specialty and the need of human security.
What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities? (1 paragraph):
Climate forecast provides a lot of practically useful information to human society such as notifying possible flood or drought condition to the people and communities. This helps reduce the possible loss. In the meanwhile, climate forecast such as rainfall and temperature forecast also provide necessary information for river flow and crop yield forecast, which can further contribute to human societies.