Rehenuma Lazin

Name:   Rehenuma Lazin

Title/Department: Ph.D. Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut

Phone number: 860-861-1308



Research focus:  Hydrological Modeling, Flood Inundation Mapping.


What excites you most about your PIRE research?

 The PIRE project aims to help local farmers of Ethiopia in effective decision making regarding water, crops, fertilizers and thus ensure a more secure access to water and food in the existing extreme climatic condition. This interconnection between the researchers and local farmers and the practical application of the findings of the research excites me most to be a part of it.


What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?

My research involves hydrological modeling of the Blue Nile Basin using CREST. The results of the simulation include hydrological parameters (stream flow, Evapotranspiration etc) which will help further analysis of the project to provide valuable information to the farmers regarding the cultivation of crops.