Efthymios Nikolopoulos
Title/Department: Assistant Research Professor / Civil and Environmental Engineering
Phone number: (860) 486 – 1799
E-mail: efthymios.nikolopoulos@uconn.edu
Website: http://ucwater.engr.uconn.edu
Research focus: My work focuses on the integration of remote sensing observations with numerical modeling in order to advance understanding and predictability of water cycle components and weather related hazards. Specific research topics include a) application of state-of-the-art remote sensing precipitation products and distributed hydrologic models for flood prediction b) water resources uncertainty analysis and c) development of prediction models for hydrogeomorphic hazards.
What excites you most about your PIRE research?
Participation in the PIRE project is very exciting because it provides an excellent opportunity to connect my research work with real-life applications and furthermore allows demonstrating the impact of my research on people and communities.
What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?
Advancing the predictability of water cycle components, like rainfall and corresponding streamflow, is a vital aspect for ensuing agricultural and financial sustainability. Accurate information on hydrologic conditions at short range and seasonal scales, provide individual farmers and other stakeholders important information for making decisions regarding agricultural management. The impact of my research is therefore directly related to the well-being of people and communities that depend on agriculture since it aims to provide them with timely information in order to advance management strategies and be more resilient to potential climatic threats.