Semu Moges

Title/Department: Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Phone number: 860-336-8834


Research focus: Hydrology, Climate, Water Resources and stakeholder communication

What excites you most about your PIRE research?

The nobility of developing hydrological prediction and communication systems that is commensurate to the knowledge and understanding of rural communities in Ethiopia excites me most. Throughout my career, I have noted a scale and communication mismatch between the science results and the communities’ ability to interpret to their reality on the ground. During our July 2016 field expedition, we learned that the rural communities in the study area are prone to hydrological vulnerabilities. They indicated their excitement towards availability of any form of advance information that helps them make informed decisions in terms of early preparedness and long term planning. The thirst for reliable information of the communities in one hand and the multi-disciplinary nature of PIRE project in the other hand stirs my confidence that PIRE will certainly leave a foot print on the future scientific information generation and communication to the rural public at large.

What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?

The research will improve agricultural productivity, improve water management, and enhance science communication to stakeholders. In the long run, it will enhance science-based information uptake and create citizen science advocates that demand research-based information and communication input to their livelihood activities.