Zehn Hong
Name: Zhen Hong, Ph.D. Student
Title/Department: Graduate Research Assistant
HyDrometeorology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Phone number: N/A
Email: Zhen.Hong-1@ou.edu
Website: http://hydro.ou.edu/people/zhen-hong/
Research focus: Zhen is a research assistant at OU, her research interests Urban GIS and Remote Sensing.
- What excites you most about your PIRE research?
Zhen is working currently to study the water scarcity using satellite technology. She will help to study the water problem over the Blue Nile Basin (BNB). Zhen will also participate to study the groundwater variability over the BNB.
- What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?
Zhen research focus will help to use the satellite remote sensing technology to understand the water resources over the BNB.