Zac Flamig

Name: Zac Flamig, PhD flaming

Title/Department: Postdoctoral research fellow



Research focus: Flash flood modeling, Radar QPEs and radar meteorology, Geo-app and programming development

What excites you most about your PIRE research?

Zac is flash flood modeler and geo-app builder. He developed several meteorological applications such as the following: Ensemble Framework for Flash Flood Forecasting (EF5); Flooded Location and Simulated Hydrographs (FLASH) project; Meteorological Phenomena Identification Near the Ground (mPING Zac will help in the development of the Ethiopia geo-app (ePING) for collecting hydrometeorological data for the PIRE project.

What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?

The community will be helped through the ePING application, getting the most accurate climate forecast and submitting  hydrometeorological reports to validate and calibrate the hydrologic model.