Liang You
Title/Department: Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute
Phone number: +1-2020862-8168,
Research focus:
His current research focuses on assessing the impacts of technology changes in agricultural production and modeling agricultural land use systems, in particular on the evolution and drivers of change in agricultural systems, as well as on estimating the impact of climate change and climate variability on food security.
What excites you most about your PIRE research?
I am most excited about the new economy-wide, multi-market (EMM) model that will be developed for this study with the fundamental aim of quantifying the economic implications of alternative policy decisions or water and climate scenarios.
The model will be applied to consider economic performance, impact on GDP, poverty and income of agricultural practices both with and without the explicit use of seasonal climate and stream flow forecast information. The results from the PIRE research could help analyst and policy makers in Ethiopia to design and implement better policies in agricultural water management and improving food security.
What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?
In Addis Ababa, IFPRI has both a regional office for East and Central Africa and an Ethiopia Strategy Support Program (ESSP). We will disseminate the project findings to Government officials and policy stakeholders. Policy communication and outreach is one critical aspect of IFPRI’s Ethiopia country support program and the most valuable aspect of my own research in this project. ESSP achievements depend on coordination and communication with key partners and stakeholders, including policymakers, donors, researchers, and private-sector and civil society leaders. The Program has developed formal links with key institutions such as the Central Statistical Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, the Ethiopian Economics Association, Ethiopian universities and research institutes, and numerous private trade associations.