Girmachew Addisu
Title/Department: Irrigation and Drainage Monitoring specialist/ABA
Phone number: +251918013673
Research focus: Forecasting for irrigated agriculture and irrigation water management to increase productivity with optimum inputs.
What excites you most about your PIRE research?
I am excited about working with the irrigation community and water managers for maximizing production for farmers. We will use indigenous inputs with scientific methods to help farmers on water and agronomic management practices. We are eager to see the role that forecasting will play in the community.
What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?
For farmers in need of scientific methods to support their practices and to maximize production, predicting the amount of optimum irrigation water in advance is very vital. My role on this research project is to assess irrigation water management on community based schemes and to predict amounts of water available in the reservoir. By doing so, production will be increased and losses will be minimized.