Asegdew Gashaw
Title/Department: Director and researcher, Blue Nile water Institute (BNWI), Assistant Professor, Bahir Dar institute of Technology (BIT), Bahir Dar University
Phone number: +251 911086390
E-mail: and
Research focus: As Blue Nile Water Institute Director, I coordinate and direct the research members of BNWI. My research focuses on water balance modeling, optimization, water resource allocation, and agricultural water management.
What excites you most about your PIRE research?
The research area (water, energy, and food) and research location, Ethiopia which has high potential, but many problems. I am excited to be part of the PIRE team and contribute my share in improving water and food security in the Blue Nile Basin and hence the livelihood of low income communities.
What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for the people and communities?
Hydro climatic forecast knowledge and practice of the community and institutions in the study area is an important factor that affects productivity of local farmers. I will contribute significant input to identify major variables and to design the methods of dissemination. Measurement of hydro-climatic forecast knowledge/practice adoption and impact in the study area is another front where I can make a difference.